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Each award rated AS 4.0)
Your web site is a a Winner of the Gold Award for
Best of the Web for MacOS, and Winner of the
Best of the Web for MacOS Gold Award for Public
Service! These are two of our highest honours for
any Macintosh web site. Because of hard work,
creativity and a commitment to excellence, because
you have demonstrated a passion to educate, assist
and inform others for the common good, you have
made a valuable contribution to the pursuit of
excellence on the world wide web. You make the Mac
look good!"
-- Ian
OS Awards
My Mac-made website is NOT complaint with
Microsoft's IE 5.1's default HTML browser type size
settings. (Reset IE 5.1 browser font preference
from 16 to 12 points to view my site as designed.)
Mr. Bill, please, a question? May we question the
premise of any business plan based upon making the
rest of the world conform to you? -- kf
navigate from ARROWS at top of


Rated AS 4.0)
am very pleased to announce that your website has
been awarded "The High In The Sky Award",
Gold Seal. Your site, for the nature of its
content and for the quality of the design and
implementation, presents an undeniable excellence,
making it worthy of being publicly designated as an
example to be followed, a true knowledge and
information source."
-- Carlos Paula Simões - CPSnet
Web Awards
navigate from ARROWS at top of


& Australia. Rated AS 4.5)
Evaluation Panel have now completed their review of
your site, Media Visions Journal, and I
am delighted to be able to award you our GNAE
Awards Programme Bronze Award. Well done."
-- Rochelle Manson,
Nash Awards for Excellence



States. Rated AS 4.0)
accept the Harbeson and Associates Bronze
Medal of Excellence for your efforts at Media
Visions. As a former television newsman
myself I found your writings well on the
mark. Your web design is easy to use and well
laid out for your visitors. I enjoyed my
visit. Keep up the good work."
-- Will Harbeson - Harbeson
& Assoociates


States. Rated AS 3.0, WA 7.5)
time you have invested in this site is a reflection
of your commitment. You have created a very fine
site that is wonderfully designed. The articles are
well articulated. The pages load quickly and are
easy to navigate. I was also impressed with your
wealth of content. I especially enjoyed the
article, having worked in the field. The choice of
colors is commendable, and the text is large enough
to read. Many sites apply for our award but few
meet the stated criteria."
-- Steve Feld - ThinkQuest.org


States. Rated AS 4.0)
Your site definitely qualifies for the "Critical
Mass Award". A very nice site, excellent design,
clever, colorful original graphics and artwork,
great photos, and you have provided your visitors
with content that is informative, entertaining,
presented well and easy to access. A worthy
enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web.
Thanks for helping to make the Web a more
interesting, educational and attractive place to
-- Bill Darling - Critical
Mass Awards


States. Rated AS 3.0)
am pleased to write that your site, Media
Visions Journal, has earned Healing Intent's
"Silver Intention" Award. Your site provides
valuable and informative content within an
effective web interface. Your content is the
highlight of your site - very impressive collection
of expert input."
-- June Kaminski, Healing


Rated AS 3.O)
Insightful Commentary about Interactivity and New
Media Trends."
-- The Silver Award from
NOTE: EzeTips is
an IE only frames site.


Rated AS 2.0)
You have just won one of Lindor's Awards! The
SILVER one! Lindor Awards are for excellence in Web
Page Design. (For all the hard work, time and
effort, originality and talent that have been put
into a Web Page.)"
-- Lindor, The
Lindor Awards


States. Not Rated)
Your site has exceeded our expectations in
providing outstanding and innovative educational
content, as well as superior design layout. We are
delighted to present you our Four-Star Award and
extend our appreciation for your efforts and
dedication to the educational
-- ITC Award Committee, TodaysTeacher.com


(Canada. Rated AS 3.5)
enjoyed visiting your site. It is truly a plus for
the Internet, and consequently I would like to
reward your efforts with the Gadzillion Award For
Creative Thought on the Internet. Take Care and
Keep Thinking."
-- Don Fowler, A
Gadzillion Things To Think


States. Rated AS 3.5)
really love your web site. The design and layout,
and easy navigation around your site are top notch!
Your site is a prime example of what the Internet
Excellence Award is all about!"
-- Jim Whalen, Internet
Excellence Award


Rated AS 3.5. WA 9.5)
website underwent a comprehensive evaluation, and
it was a pleasure to visit. I hereby inform you
that you have won the Merit Award!"
-- Loren, Cerulean
Awards Programme



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