Traditional Usui Reiki uses Japanese words and symbols to invoke divine light for healing. Nontraditional Karuna Reiki uses Sanskit and symbols from diverse cultures to evoke and channel the healing energy. L’Chaim Reiki uses Hebrew to amplify the healing power of traditional and nontraditional Reiki.
L’Chaim Reiki may be useful for increasing the effectiveness of any in-person healing sessions as well as remote healing sessions. L’Chaim Reiki also may be helpful for treating animals and gardens.
Unless guided otherwise, L’Chaim Reiki is used in all Reiki sessions. L’Chaim-only Reiki sessions are available and run 60 to 90 minutes. The cost is $100. For information or to schedule a session, contact Judah Freed at 808-822-0545 or send an email.
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Principles behind L’Chaim Reiki
L’Chaim applies the findings of cymatics researcher Dr. Hans Jenny (1904-72) and others going back to the 1700s, which scientifically investigated the acoustic effects of sound wave phenomena. He reported that the sonic vibrations of Hebrew, Sanskrit, Tibetan and a few other ancient sacred languages can produce tangible effects in the real world.
Jenny, a Swiss medical doctor, building on the work of prior experimenters placed a thin layer of sand on a membrane stretched tight in a frame (akin to a drumhead), Jenny then used loudspeakers and crystal oscillators to produce sounds below the membrane.
When the sounds came through the membrane, he filmed and photographed the patterns taken by the sand. Most visually striking are the mandalas generated by Sanskrit mantras. When he spoke the sounds of Hebrew letters, he reported the grains of sand forming the Hebrew characters being pronounced (photos being sought).
Jenny’ research into the vibrational power of Hebrew has been extended by Stan Tenen, Daniel Winter and others. Their finding cross the line between physics and metaphysics.
Judah Freed applied this research to develop L’Chaim Reiki. Traditional Usui Reiki uses spoken and silent Japanese to invoke universal healing energies. Karuna Reiki does the same by using Sanskrit and other ancient symbols. By using the innate power of Hebrew to magnify the penetrating affects of any Reiki treatment, L’Chaim Reiki complements and enhances other forms of Reiki and related energy healing practices.
Origins of L’Chaim Reiki
Judah Freed began “downloading” L’Chaim Reiki in 2004. Along with heeding his intuitive guidance, he has consulted Hebrew scholars as well as learned students of the Kaballah to identify the Hebrew words and letters that carry and transmit healing energies.
Mirroring Usui Reiki, Judah has identified three levels of L’Chaim Reiki. He offers L’Chaim Reiki I training, attunement and certification to any Reiki practitioner with Usui level I training or higher. He currently is developing a L’Chaim Reiki manual, available at this time only to L’Chaim Reiki students.
For information on L’Chaim Reiki sessions or training, email Judah Freed or call 808-822-0545.
Reiki Sessions | Reiki Classes | Crystal Arrays | L’Chaim Reiki | Intuition | Contact
DISCLAIMER: Judah Freed is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher practitioner. Reiki is compatible with other professional practices, yet any form of energetic healing should not in any way be construed as a substitute for professional medical, psychological, veterinary, or agrarian care. Like any practitioner of the intuitive arts, Judah Freed cannot and does not make any warranties or promises of efficacy for his services. The best he can do is open himself to the Light empowering you to be your own healer.
[…] Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Rainbow Reiki, Liberty Reiki. He’s the developer of L’Chaim (Life) Reiki. He offers Reiki sessions and Reiki classes all four […]