Judah Freed

Judah Freed
Judah Kenneth Freed is a communications professional with international experience.
He serves as a journalist, author, educator, speaker, book coach, publishing consultant, Web designer, marketing and public relations consultant, media producer, event coordinator, life coach, and energy healer. Judah is based on Kauai in Hawaii.
Judah Freed is the author of Making Global Sense, inspired by Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, His prior books won the 2005 Evvy Award for Best Personal Growth Book of the Year along with 2007 and 2012 Silver Nautilus Award for best Social Change Book of the year. Making Global Sense advocates mindful self rule, personal democracy, and the practical idealism of changing the world by changing from within ourselves.
Judah has published more than a thousand articles and essays on diverse topics since 1976, specializing since 1992 in new media, especially interactive television, distance learning, and the social effects of new media. In 1997, he began independently publishing Media Visions Journal as a free educational web magazine.
As a media trade journalist since the early Nineties who pioneered the press coverage of interactive media. His publishing credits include Cablevision (former managing editor), Multichannel News, Broadband Week, CED, Interactive Week, Internet Week, Video Age, Electronic Media, Extra Extra, Publisher’s Weekly, Euromedia, TV Technology, and many others. He is the author of Financial Opportunities in Educational Television (Financial Times Media & Telecoms, UK, 1998), stating the business case for developing world educational media markets by developing more educated minds in the world.
Graduating high school in 1969 with early undergraduate studies in writing, speech and theater, he entered journalism as a cub reporter in 1976 at The Aurora Sun. After a year, he started freelancing for such Denver newspapers as Westword (from the first edition onward for five years), Rocky Mountain News, The Denver Post, Colorado Statesman, and others. He later edited the Denver edition of Colorado Daily followed by editing The Denver Downtowner, where he wrote a popular political column. He’s since freelanced occasionally for newspapers ranging from the San Diego Union in California to Il Mondo in Italy. His best writing was syndicated by the European Press Network. Most recently, he was the Special Sections Editor of The Garden Island newspaper.
A lifelong learner, Freed returned to school to earn in 1988 a dual B.A. in Journalism and Communication from the University Without Walls at Loretto Heights College, followed by advanced studies of classical and modern communication theory and practice through the individualized M.A. program at Antioch University.
An educator of adults and youth since the Seventies, he developed the Writing From Within course in 1981. He’s taught communication and humanities courses at the Denver campus of National American University and the Community College of Aurora, among others, along with serving as the Communications Coordinator of Jones International University. Currently he teaches continuing education courses through Kauai Community College, part of the University of Hawaii.
Judah further serves as a public speaker who’s spoken in the United States and on four other continents. He speaks about deep literacy, media privacy rights, the men’s liberation movement, and the power of global sense.
As a sideline since the late Seventies, Freed produces and promotes nonprofit special events, such as community festivals like the Denver Forum on the Future, Denver International Week, and the Denver Jazz festival. He coordinated the Denver leg of the first live Jason Project with interactive satcasts from the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. Currently, he helps produce concerts on Kauai.
Since the Eighties, he’s produced community cable talk shows and documentaries. He worked in college radio when young and later work for Voice of America, produced radio reports for the NPR Thin Air series, and hosted a talk show for two years on KGNU AM&FM in Denver-Boulder.
Finally, Judah is a professional coach trained in diverse personal growth process faciliation techniques. He focuses on communication issues (intrapersonal and interpersonal) along with writing and publishing issues, such as writers’ block removal. He also is a master-teacher of diverse forms Reiki, including his new Chaim (Life) Reiki system of healing.
Judah is married to photographer and singer Melissa Mojo. They live in the Kapahi section of Kapaa on the garden island of Kauai in Hawaii.
Please contact Judah for more information.