Democracy starts
with Personal
discussed in "Global Sense," given the interactivity
between the media and society, the system we adopt for
governing the Internet will robustly influence the
systems we'll adopt for governing ourselves. Any
autocracy in Internet management breeds autocracy in the
wider world.
The network democracy proposal
discussed in "Global
Sense" and the sampler
of governance voices from the "Committees
of Correspondence" are
good places to start. Notice the patterns of politics
emerging in the ICANN
analysis. If all this
seems way too esoteric for your tastes, however, if your
technophobia is biting back big time, please consider
the dangers of staying ignorant.
If we wish to live in societies
where we can practice personal democracy, we can help
ourselves by working for democratic governance of our
domain name system and the Internet as a whole.
Consider the many options in the wide spectrum from
tyranny to freedom. The choice is ours. As a global
network stakeholder by natural right, why not educate
yourself and take charge of how the Internet affects you?
Along with clicking on the links
provided here, please access your favorite search engine
and go exploring, perhaps using keywords appearing in
this section. Learn as much as you can absorb into your
head, then relax. Patiently "hold the question" of
network democracy while understanding unfolds. Allow a
"gestalt" to emerge. Your soul already knows what to do.
The information and links in this report on netowrk
democracy hint at the thousands of online resources for
Internet governance posted worldwide. I'll keep the site
as updated as my schedule allows, yet all standard
reliability disclaimers apply.
The squeaky wheel gets greased.
If enough of us get
informed and then
involved, if enough of
us send short, polite messages to the players in this
global game, regardless of our positions, if enough of us
will practice personal democracy, our participation
makes democracy stronger.
Speak and be heard.
(Tip: Notice URL and email addresses for clues
to our domain name options.)